Javed Arshad Butt

Engineer, Scientist, Programmer

Javed Arshad Butt

Programming Skills

  • Python

    Extensive experience in various academic and industrial contexts:

    • Research Assistant & Aerospace Engineer, TU Dresden

      Research on structure-integrated high-pressure hydrogen tanks in aircraft wings

      • Conducting complex optimizations for tank structures
      • Post-processing and analysis of FEM results
      • Creating plots and visualizations for research results
      • Developing scripts to automate research workflows
    • Academic Education

      Python I and II in Bachelor's; various projects and lectures in Master's focusing on technical applications

    • Study Project at DLR

      Development of a Python tool for flight mission analysis

      • Implementation of the "missioninformer" tool for fuel mass and gradient calculations
      • Integration of physics-based equations for cruise flight analysis and empirical fuel fractions
      • Investigation and optimization of surrogate models (RBF, Kriging, TPS)
      • Analysis of ODE solvers for precise fuel mass calculations
      • Implementation and optimization of gradient calculations
      • Integration of mass snowball effects for realistic consumption estimates
      • Performance optimization: runtime of 50-800 seconds for two-mission calculations including gradients
      • Contribution to reducing fuel consumption and emissions in aviation
    • Master's Thesis

      Further development of control-oriented Cluster-based Network Modeling (CNMc)

      • Implementation of 10 different dynamic systems
      • Optimization by replacing NMF with SVD, significant runtime improvement
      • Modular implementation for easy integration and adaptation
      • Development of a flexible configuration system
      • Implementation of interactive HTML plots for visual analysis
    • Student Assistant

      TU Braunschweig - Institute of Flight Guidance and Chair of Fluid Mechanics

      • Data processing and analysis with NumPy and Pandas
      • Development of 3D real-time visualizations with VisPy
    • Industry Experience

      Projects at BMW and DLR

      • Application of Python in the automotive industry and aerospace engineering
    • Private Projects
      • Automation of tasks (e.g., Notion to Logseq conversion)
      • Artificial Intelligence projects with PyTorch for text-to-speech, for example
      • Development of a tool for simultaneous publication of news on multiple social media platforms
      • Implementation of a script for automated upload of videos to various social media platforms

    Comprehensive knowledge in: NumPy, Pandas, SciPy, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib, Plotly, VisPy, PyTorch, Dask, FEM analysis, optimization algorithms, as well as experience with various social media APIs

  • Java

    Extensive experience in academic and professional contexts:

    • Research Assistant & Aerospace Engineer, TU Dresden
      • Development of Java applications for creating input files for FEM solvers in the context of research on structure-integrated high-pressure hydrogen tanks in aircraft wings
      • Generation of 3D geometries and meshes for FEM calculations
      • Automation of the creation of complex input data for extensive FEM simulations
    • Research Assistant, Bergische Universität Wuppertal (04.2019 – 04.2020)
      • Further development and optimization of software for visual evaluation of crash optimization results
      • Extension of functionalities for generating HTML files for optimization results
      • Improvement of web design and user-friendliness
      • Generation of high-quality graphics for publications and presentations
    • Student Assistant, Bergische Universität Wuppertal (02.2018 – 01.2019)
      • Development of software for visual evaluation of crash optimization results
      • Implementation of functions for generating HTML files for visual representation of optimization results
      • Integration of Java with HTML, CSS and JavaScript for helpful visualization solutions
    • Academic Education

      Attended Java lectures and application in study projects

    Knowledge: Object-oriented programming, data visualization, integration with web technologies, FEM data generation


    Solid experience in academic and research contexts, particularly in Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO):

    • MDO Course Project, TU Braunschweig
      • Implementation of an Individual-Discipline Feasible (IDF) MDO architecture for coupling aerodynamics and structure
      • Development of an XDSM diagram to visualize the MDO workflow
      • Implementation and optimization of the Class Shape Transformation (CST) method for wing profile description
      • Integration and adaptation of the OpenFEMFlow code for aerodynamic analyses
      • Use and adaptation of the Weight Index code for structural analyses
      • Implementation of complex gradient calculations using central difference method
      • Conducting parameter studies to optimize step size for gradient calculations
      • Creation of Pareto fronts for analysis of multidisciplinary trade-offs
      • Visualization and analysis of optimization results, including wing profile geometries and pressure distributions
    • Bachelor's Thesis, Bergische Universität Wuppertal
      • Development of 3D topology optimization software
      • Extension of an existing 2D method (Adapt) to 3D structures
      • Implementation of functions to control connection thickness and minimum distance between connections
      • Integration of ParaView for visualization and analysis of 3D optimization results
    • Institute of Flight Guidance (IFF), TU Braunschweig
      • Use of MATLAB for various research projects in the field of flight guidance
      • Development of simulation models for aircraft and flight systems

    Knowledge: Numerical optimization, gradient-based methods, multidisciplinary optimization, aerodynamic and structural analysis, signal processing, data visualization, Simulink

  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript & Modern Web Technologies

    Experience in developing modern, interactive and responsive websites

    • Personal Homepage: 🔗 https://javedab.com/
      • Development of a highly optimized, modern website with Astro, achieving ideal Lighthouse scores (100/100) for performance and best practices
      • Implementation of lazy loading for JavaScript to improve loading times and resource usage
      • Integration of tooltips to improve user-friendliness and information delivery
      • Multilingual support for improved international accessibility
      • Responsive design with adaptive layouts for various devices and screen sizes
      • Advanced blog features, including adaptive table of contents for desktop and mobile
      • SEO optimization through use of meta information and structured data
      • Use of advanced image and SVG compression techniques for high performance
      • Use of the Astro Icon library for efficient icon management and reduced loading times
      • Styling with Tailwind CSS and DaisyUI for an appealing design
    • Web Version of Master's Thesis: 🔗 https://jav-ed.github.io/master_Thesis/
      • Creation of an interactive web version of the master's thesis with Quarto
      • Integration of custom HTML, CSS, and JavaScript elements to improve presentation and interactivity
    • Interactive 3D Diagrams for Scientific Publication: 🔗 https://jav-ed.github.io/H2O_Plot/
      • Development of interactive 3D visualizations to support scientific research
      • Use of modern JavaScript libraries for 3D data visualizations
    • Project at the Chair, Bergische Universität Wuppertal
      • Development of HTML files for visual representation of optimization results

    Technologies & Tools: Astro, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS, DaisyUI, PostCSS, MDX, Quarto, Git/GitHub Pages

  • Android App

    Privately developed own apps, certificate in the form of an exam at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal with a grade of 1.0

Work Experience

  • 06.2022 – Present

    Research Assistant

    Technical University of Dresden - Chair: Aerospace Engineering

    Structure-Integrated High-Pressure Hydrogen Wing Tanks

    • Development of Java applications for creating input files for FEM solvers
    • Generation of 3D geometries and meshes for FEM calculations
    • Automation of complex input data creation for extensive FEM simulations
  • 10.2021 – 04.2022

    Research Assistant: Coanda-Effect

    Technical University of Braunschweig - Chair: Fluid Mechanics

    • Creation of data and order structures
    • Database creation, file filtering and appropriate output storage, using Python's NumPy and Pandas
    • Digitization of measurement data
  • 11.2020 – 02.2021

    Research Assistant: Aerodynamic Shape Optimization

    German Aerospace Center (DLR) - Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology

    • Surrogate models for multi-point mission analysis
    • Analytical, symbolic and numerical solving of ordinary differential equations
    • Numerical gradient calculation
  • 04.2020 – 10.2020

    Research Assistant: Real Time 3D Viewer

    Technical University of Braunschweig - Chair: Flight Guidance

    • Calculation of an aircraft simulation model in Matlab
    • Receive data in Python via UDP, use Cython, C++ and NumPy for data processing within Python
    • 3D real-time display of the simulated aircraft model from Simulink in VisPy (high-performance GPU library)
  • 04.2019 – 04.2020

    Research Assistant: Optimization of Mechanical Structures

    Bergische Universität Wuppertal

    • Programming software for visual evaluation of crash optimization results with Java
    • Programming HTML files for visual representation of optimization results with Java, HTML, CSS and JavaScript
    • Adjustments for publications in LaTeX
    • Creating graphics for presentations and publications
  • 02.2018 – 01.2019

    Student Assistant: Optimization of Mechanical Structures

    Bergische Universität Wuppertal

    • Programming software for visual evaluation of crash optimization results with Java
    • Programming HTML files for visual representation of optimization results (Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
  • 01.2015 – 07.2015

    Austrian Armed Forces


    • Basic training: Handling of assault rifle
    • Promotion to Private


~ Daily Use
Mother Tongue
Mother Tongue


  • 04.2019 – 05.2022

    Master in Aerospace Engineering


    Flow predictions using control-oriented cluster-based network modeling

    • Developed an improved version of control-oriented Cluster-based Network Modeling (CNMc) for predicting trajectories of general dynamical systems
    • Implemented and compared multiple machine learning techniques for modeling system dynamics
    • Utilized k-means++ clustering algorithm to represent complex system dynamics
    • Applied dimensionality reduction techniques (SVD, NMF) to efficiently model transition properties
    • Developed automated parameter studies for optimal mode selection in decomposition methods
    • Implemented and evaluated various interpolation and regression models
    • Utilized scikit-learn library for implementing machine learning algorithms
    • Developed a flexible configuration system for easy adjustment of machine learning hyperparameters
    • Implemented cross-validation techniques to assess and optimize model performance
    • Created a modular framework allowing easy integration of new algorithms and dynamical systems
  • 05.2021 – 08.2021

    Study Project

    DLR and TU-Braunschweig

    Development of a module for mission analysis for a gradient based aerodynamic shape optimization process

    • Developed a lightweight Python tool (missioninformer) for calculating total fuel mass and its gradients for user-defined flight missions
    • Implemented physics-based equations for cruise segment analysis and integrated empirical fuel fractions
    • Conducted investigations on surrogate models (RBF, Kriging, TPS) to optimize interpolation accuracy and execution time
    • Performed analysis of ODE solvers, comparing analytical and numerical solutions
    • Implemented and optimized gradient calculations using central differencing scheme
    • Integrated mass snowball effects through fix-point iterations for realistic fuel consumption estimates
    • Optimized tool performance, achieving runtime between 50 to 800 seconds for two-mission calculations including gradient computation
  • 04.2019 – 09.2019

    Master in Mechanical Engineering

    Bergische Universität Wuppertal

    1 semester completed

  • 10.2015 - 03.2019

    Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering

    Bergische Universität Wuppertal in cooperation with BMW

    Extension of a topology optimisation method for the adaptive reinforcement of mechanical structures from 2D to 3D

    • Extended an existing 2D topology optimization method (Adapt) to 3D structures, enabling optimization of complex 3D geometries
    • Implemented features to control connection thickness, minimum distance between connections, and prevent local reinforcements in the optimized structures
    • Developed method to prohibit connections at edges and corners in 3D optimized structures
    • Conducted finite element reanalysis using OptiStruct to validate stiffness improvements of optimized 3D structures
    • Modified the optimization method to handle slightly different load cases between the base structure and optimized reinforcements
    • Implemented capability to import external 2D and 3D CAD geometries as base structures for optimization
    • Integrated ParaView as a powerful open-source post-processor for visualizing and analyzing 3D optimization results
    • Wrote modular, extensible code in MATLAB to enable easy addition of new dynamic systems and features
    • Conducted parameter studies to evaluate the impact of different optimization parameters on results
    • Demonstrated application of the extended method on multiple 2D and 3D test cases, including automotive-inspired geometries
  • 2006 - 2014

    Reifeprüfung (Matura)

    BRGORG 15 Wien, Austria


  • 07.2018 – 10.2018

    Voluntary Internship in Research and Development

    BMW Group, Department: EF 242

    • Extended a topology optimization method to enable calculations at vehicle level, with improved computation time in Matlab
    • Conducted extensive investigation of various state-of-the-art methods regarding mesh independence
    • Tested the applicability of parallelization on CPU and GPU with various methods (BLAS, LAPACK, MPI)
    • Compared different programming languages regarding implementation, developed methods and computation time (C++, Fortran, Python)
    • Familiarized with topology optimization using Hypermesh, Hyperview and Optistruct software
  • 08.2017 – 09.2017

    Engineering Internship in Water and Energy


    • Visited sewage treatment plants in Leverkusen, Burg, Schwelm and Kohlfurth with explanations of the treatment process
    • Independently read and understood R+I diagrams for the digester gas system and the CHP plant in Hückeswagen using DIN 30600, 1946, 2481, 19227 and 28004
    • Merged plant components in an Excel list for further processing in Wupperverband's maintenance software
    • Created and edited PDF acceptance form 442 for practical use on the construction site
    • Gained insights into VOB, HOAI and award procedures through participation in various meetings and administrative processes
    • Received explanations on pumps, fittings, pipelines and sludge dewatering machines
  • 08.2016 – 09.2016 | 03.2016 – 04.2016

    Basic Internship for Mechanical Engineering Part 2

    Technische Betriebe Solingen

    • Learning basic manufacturing processes:
    • Manual processing of metallic materials: sawing, drilling, scribing, filing, bending, chiseling, reaming, countersinking, thread cutting, riveting, straightening, sharp grinding
    • Machine processing of metallic materials: turning, milling, grinding, drilling
    • Thermal joining and cutting processes: autogenous, arc and resistance welding, flame cutting, special welding and cutting processes, soldering

Voluntary Work

  • 04.2019 – 09.2019

    Instructor for 3 courses: Running, Beach Soccer, Kickboxing

    University Sports Wuppertal: Activity as trainer

  • 04.2017 – 07.2018

    Instructor for 3 courses: Futsal, Budo Fitness, Kickboxing

    University Sports Wuppertal: Activity as trainer

Awards & Certificates

  • English Level C1
  • Special Mechanical Engineering Lecture
  • Austrian Armed Forces: Promotion to Private
  • Vienna's Best Runner in 2014
  • ECDL Core and ECDL Advanced in Word


  • New geometric features in the topology optimization method for the adaptation of structures

    Proceeding of the 13th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimisation

Social Media

Last Updated: 03.08.2024