How Is Germany

Betraying Us

Right Now?

The Law They Don't Want You to Know

01.07.2024 | 25 Dhul Hijjah 1445
5 min read


A Warning to Readers

A word of warning: this post will inshallah change how you think about Germany forever. It might not be for everyone’s eyes.

What I’m inshallah about to share could cost me a lot.

My PhD? Gone. My job in Germany? Finished. My home here? I might have to leave it all behind.

Jail time is a real possibility. Deportation isn’t off the table.

I literally do not feel safe publishing this post.

Why am I risking it all? Because of Allahu akbar.

There are things more important than my safety or comfort. Justice is one of them.

For Those Who Seek Truth

If you’re still reading, you understand this.

I’m not a Nazi. I’m someone who refuses to stay silent.

The powerful are doing terrible things and they don’t want you to know about it. And if you find out? They expect you to keep quiet.

But I fear only Allah. My loyalty is to Him alone.

If you haven’t clicked away, you’re exactly who needs to hear this.

I want you to read carefully. Question everything I say. Think critically.

Then share what you’ve learned. Start conversations.

This isn’t just a blog post. It’s a call to action.

Are you ready to face truths that could change how you think about global powers?

The Betrayal Unveiled

What does the title “Germany is betraying us” mean?

Let’s Bismaillah into it.

The German government has made a shocking decision: to become a German citizen, you’re now forced to declare that Israel has the right to exist. As someone living in Germany and paying taxes here, I wasn’t consulted about this decision. Were you?

Ethical Questions Raised

This new law raises serious ethical questions. Let’s break them down:

1. Violation of Human Rights

Allah says in the Quran that every child of Adam was gifted with honor and dignity. Part of this dignity is the freedom to think and believe as you choose. You should feel secure in your thoughts, not fearing jail for your beliefs.

Is it okay for Germany to impose otherwise? Absolutely not. Allahu akbar - the German state has no right to tell me or anybody else what to think, believe, or do. This new law isn’t just immoral; I believe it’s illegal.

2. Undemocratic Decision-Making

Who is ‘Germany’? It’s not just an idea or a name. It’s people - politicians making decisions for 84 million residents without asking a single one of us. One person or a small group deciding what millions must believe - does that sound like democracy to you? Or does it remind you of something else?

Think about it: 84 million people, and none of us were asked. In a true democracy, can such a significant change be imposed without public input?

3. Lack of Transparency

I keep saying “this person” or “this small group of politicians” because I genuinely don’t know who made this decision. Was it one person? Many? Who was it? The lack of transparency is alarming.

4. Shielding Israel from Criticism

This law seems designed to prevent people from viewing Israel as a criminal state. But can we ignore the reality? The brutal regime of Israel has killed around 40,000 people, including newborn babies, and shows no sign of stopping.

Let me be brief with two points:

5. Discrimination

Think about the Palestinian students in Germany. How can they be expected to stay silent about the suffering of their own families? Is this justice? Are they supposed to stay quiet about the killing of their own mothers?

6. Learning from History

In school, we learned how Nazi Germany shut down anyone who spoke up. Are we now watching history repeat itself? There are many ways to silence a person - death is just one extreme option. Today, it’s denying German citizenship if you speak out. What will it be tomorrow?

The Choice Before Us

So, in essence, these German politicians want us to be quiet about an ongoing genocide. They’re making it look like silence is what Germany wants. But is it what you want?

Remember, in the face of injustice, silence is compliance. What will you choose?

I will speak out - Allahu akbar. Will me speaking out have any consequences? I don’t know. If you believe in the fundamental right of free thought and free speech, be brave and don’t stay silent.

Let your voice be heard. Spread this message. Engage in conversations online and in real life. You and me, let us be the voice that fights for freedom.

This content is an effort to get a voice that can stop genocides. Together, we can inshallah make a difference. The question is: Are you ready to stand up for what’s right?

AI-Assisted Content Notice

This blog post was generated by adapting the original video script using advanced AI technology, that is, Claude Sonnet 3.5 a Large Language Model (LLM). While AI produces high-quality content efficiently, readers should be aware that occasional inaccuracies may occur. Thus, we kindly ask for understanding regarding some potential minor mistakes.