Viral Lies: Israel

Misuses AI to

Deceive the World

AI Lies & Israel's Deception

12.08.2024 | 8 Safar 1446
5 min read


Viral Lies: Israel Misuses AI to Deceive the World

How is Israel using AI to deceive you and me? The truth is astonishing, and it’s right before our eyes. It’s so obvious that even Israel has acknowledged this fact. But let’s go through this step by step.

The Prevalence of Fake Accounts

Are you active on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, or any other major social media platform? You and I, we both know there’s an ongoing genocide happening. Israel has killed around 40,000 people, and they haven’t achieved their goal yet.

If you’re on Twitter and read some of the comments, you might be shocked. You’ll read comments like, “Yeah, kill them all,” or “We couldn’t find more babies to kill.”

When you click on these accounts to get more info, you’ll notice they’re quite new. That’s fine, but then you’ll find that Muslims are following these people. These “Muslims” have phrases like “alhamdulillah” in their bios.

The Absurdity of These Fake Profiles

This is so absurd that I don’t even know if any explanation is required for this fantasy construct. But for those who aren’t Muslim, let me tell you: no Muslim, absolutely no one claiming to be a slave of Allah, would support anyone who kills babies and then celebrates it.

Allah says in the Quran, “If you have killed one innocent soul, it is as if you have killed all of humanity”.

The Scale of Fake Accounts

You can find similar incidents on TikTok, Facebook, and other platforms. Even on YouTube, you’ll read a lot of fake accounts. I uploaded a video saying that Palestinian people have the right to live. Fake accounts below would use dirty language to say Zionist things.

The Numbers Don’t Add Up

Now, the issue is just this: I have a very small channel. How come there are so many Zionists out there who have the time not only to read my videos but also to write garbage in the comment sections?

The corrupt state of Israel is tiny. Compare it to Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, China, and so on. Even within the tiny state of Israel, you have people who are not Zionists but are against what their government is doing. So the number of Zionists is really, really small.

Global Population Statistics

We have around 8 billion people worldwide.

2 billion of them are Muslim.

With a bit of math, you’ll read that 25% of the world’s population is Muslim. So we already have quite a high number of people who want Palestine to be free, from the river to the sea.

Global Opinion on Israel

People were asked about how they think about Israel.

And they hate Israel. Germany, US, Japan – you name it. The citizens say that Israel is evil.

The Role of AI in Spreading Propaganda

If there are so few Zionists, how come they spam the world with their trash? You can use AI for that. To make my point, I don’t have to tell you the science behind it. You don’t need to understand what neural networks are, how gradients are calculated, which GPU you should use, and why numerical optimization is of high importance.

How AI Can Be Used for Propaganda

Let’s say you’re on Twitter or any other social media platform where you can post messages. There are many ways to spread spam on social media. You can get the messages posted on Twitter, send them to ChatGPT, get its response, and post it. This process can be easily automated.

The Scope of AI-Generated Content

Now, how about images, videos, and audio? You can not only create images, you can also convert them to text – text that explains what you can read in the images. You can get full audio-to-text conversion. Speech-to-text is, in fact, extremely fast these days. For videos, remember that videos are multiple images in a sequence.

Israel’s Acknowledgment of AI Use

The Israeli regime had to protect itself somehow. They allowed a few things to get spread. For example, this article here.

In this article, it’s acknowledged that the Israeli regime has and is using AI to spread propaganda. However, the article says only 2 million would have been spent and META would have removed 500 fake accounts.

The Cost of AI-Generated Content

Let’s say we want to use ChatGPT to automate our world pollution. We have to pay $0.25 for 1 million tokens that are read and again pay $0.75 for tokens we write.

With 2 million dollars, we could make 15.9 million posts. Now, do you think only 500 people would make 15.9 million posts? I don’t think so.

The Scale of Israel’s Spending

According to an article published on The Intercept, Israel will have received 18 billion USD.

Call to Action

Be part of a change. Remember, in the face of injustice, silence is compliance. What will you choose?

I will speak out. Will speaking out have any consequences? I don’t know. If you believe in the fundamental right of free thought and free speech, be brave and don’t stay silent.

Let your voice be heard. Spread this message. Engage in conversations online and in real life. You and I, let us be the voice that fights for freedom. This content is an effort to amplify voices that can stop genocides. Together, we can make a difference. The question is: Are you ready to stand up for what’s right?

AI-Assisted Content Notice

This blog post was generated by adapting the original video script using advanced AI technology, that is, Claude Sonnet 3.5 a Large Language Model (LLM). While AI produces high-quality content efficiently, readers should be aware that occasional inaccuracies may occur. Thus, we kindly ask for understanding regarding some potential minor mistakes.